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Healing from Betrayal - How to Reclaim Yourself After Betrayal

Vanessa Cardenas, Trusted Advisor for Betrayal & Transformation

Vanessa Cardenas, Trusted Advisor for Betrayal & Transformation

Healing from Betrayal - How to Reclaim Yourself After Betrayal

by Vanessa Cardenas, Trusted Advisor for Betrayal & Transformation

Being betrayed by my beloved made me very critical of my own body.  For weeks, I couldn’t even look in a mirror as I would rip myself to shreds.

During the reprieves from the intrusive thoughts and mental pictures, which I over-romanticized, I was obsessing about my features, especially my hands.  I thought about aging, how women doubt themselves as they get older, society's lack of acceptance of women at different ages, social media and the ease by which sexual content is readily available, and how women are exploited to exploit men.  

Diving headfirst into rebuilding relationship trust, with the help of marriage counseling, therapy, CSAT, EMDR, and coaches, and absorbing all the wisdom of the great authors on betrayal, healing began to emerge.

My rage, fear, shame, self-doubt, anxiety, and everything else I was feeling dissipated, with profound hope taking its place.

I reclaimed myself, feeling empowered and resilient.

I wanted to capture that moment in time—a visual reminder of my authentic self.  It was important for me to highlight that a woman of my age could be beautifully photographed—and with her clothes on.

This portrait, specifically through a mirror, reminds me of who I truly am.

I encourage you to reach out for support, whether that’s a religious leader, a marriage counselor, a therapist to dig through your past, or a trusted advisor to help you see the future. Reach out for support to work through all of the feelings that you have, because there are, and will be, many along your journey. It's time to reclaim yourself.

Of course, let me know if I can help. I have been where you are, and I am on the other side with a map and a flashlight. Together, we will get you through.

Reflection of Vanessa Cardenas

Reflection of Vanessa Cardenas

Reflection of Vanessa Cardenas

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Don't know what to do?

You are not alone!

Immediate Action Steps

Quick Guide

Meet the Guide: Vanessa Cardenas, Your Trusted Advisor in Betrayal & Transformation

Vanessa Cardenas, Trusted Advisor for Betrayal & Transformation

Vanessa Cardenas, Trusted Advisor for Betrayal & Transformation

Vanessa Cardenas, Trusted Advisor for Betrayal & Transformation

Vanessa Cardenas is a trusted advisor for betrayal and transformation who specializes in guiding clients through the difficult and isolating experiences of betrayal, loss, and heartbreak. Vanessa offers a safe and empathetic space for those feeling overwhelmed, devastated, or alone, with a commitment to helping clients transform their pain into lasting liberation and profound change. 

Vanessa's own journey of growth and self-discovery began when her 20+ year marriage was shattered by betrayal, which prompted her to seek wisdom and guidance from renowned experts in the field. Drawing on insights from experts such as Esther Perel, Edith Eger, Debi Silber, Michelle Mays, Dennis Ortman, and Katherine Woodward Thomas, as well as her Industrial Psychology degree, a 20-year career in C-Suite Leadership and Mentoring, and her Evercoach Certification, recognized by the International Coaching Federation, Vanessa is well-equipped to help clients navigate their unique situations. 

Vanessa warmly welcomes clients at any stage of their journey, whether they are grappling with the shock and grief of betrayal, seeking clarity about staying or leaving, navigating separation or divorce, or addressing unhealthy relationship dynamics. With her warmth, intuition, and insight, she brings wisdom and compassion to the healing process, enabling her clients to experience wholeness, well-being, and freedom they never thought possible, one powerful chat at a time.

"The most important things are the hardest to say…locked within, not for the want of a teller, but for the want of an Understanding Ear"– Stephen King, The Body

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